26 Sept 2018

25 Tiger Photos, Images, Pictures, Wallpaper Free Download And Interesting Facts

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All About Tigers - Interesting Facts


The modern Tiger was never found in Africa. It is strictly an Asian specie, having evolved some two million years ago, probably in what is now northern china.less than 100 years ago, tigers rimed large territory, which spread from eastern turkey to the far east of Russia and reached as far as the southern regions of bail. But under the influence of a various negative factors the population drastically decreased-almost by 96%. Today tigers may only be found on the territory of 14 countries. Modern science distinguishes between 9 subspecies of tiger. Sadly 3 of them are considered extinct. Bengal,Indochinese,Malayan, Siberian, Sumatran and South China tigers belong to the list of surviving subspecies.


Cats share 95.7% of their and with tigers, But unlike our usual domestic cats that have slit pupils, Tigers have circular pupils. Cats are nocturnal animals in nature and, When the light levels are low. Such adaption allows the pupils to expand and cover most of the exposed surface of animal's Eyes, Thus providing excellent night vision. The vision of tiger, on contrary, is adapted to seeing best at dawn and sunset, When these animal's usually hunt. Even though tigers's don't see in the dark as well as domestic cast. Their night vision is still 6 times better than of humans tiger eyes usually have yellow irises. But white tigers that are sometimes born with blue eyes are the only exception from this rule. The reason for such variation is the fact that the same gene is responsible for the color of animals eyes and coat. White Tigers are known to breed well in captivity. The recessive color variant of white tigers is found only in the Bengal subspecies and is commonly coupled with regular stripes and blue eyes. This color variation is not the result of albinism and is rather rare.It occurs once finery 10,000 natural births.

Coat Colors 

Depending on the species and the presence of the recessive gene, Tigers can have several color variate nos- White,Golden,Black and Even Blue. But Reports of a 'Blue' of Slate-Colored variant, Which is typical to the Maltese tiger, remain unconfirmed to this day. Golden Tiger have light gold fur, pale legs and faint orange stripes due to a recessive gene. besides having an unusual color variation, their fur rends to be much thicker than that of a normal tiger. The tiger's distinctive patterns and stripes are unique to each individual. These patterns can even be used by some scientists to identify the right animal. Another interesting fact is that stripes are present not only on the fur but also on the skin underneath.


Tiger's use agate variety of vocalizations for communication and their mighty roar is only 1 of them when it comes to communicating or warning other animal's. Tiger's would rather start snoring or hissing than roaring. Producing and imitating various vocalizations falls in the tiger's. Field of expertise-These big cats are known to simulate the voices of other animal's in order to attract prey. Roaring, as a from of tiger communication, Is very a poorly studied phenomenon. The roar of a tiger contains Low-Frequency sounds that can be heard up to amine away. But these Low-Frequency sounds aren't only used to transmit information to other tiger's but are also known to have an intimidating and paralyzing affect on animal's and humans. There is research stating that the mighty roar contains sounds below 20 hertz and is capable of thing the breath away of even Experienced trainers. This Low-Pitched sound, Called 'Infra sound' can travel long distances, permeating build dings. Cutting through dense forests and even passing through mountains. It is believed that infra sound is missing link to discovering the secret of tiger communication. If other tiger's are nearby.  These animal's can also use their tail movements for communication. If its tail is loosely hanging. The tiger doesn't feel threatened. Aggression, on the other hand, is dis plated by rapid tail movements from side or by holding the tail lo with occasional tense twitches.


Despite being the symbol of power, Tigers face serious threats and are considered endangered. Less than 100 years ago. These magnificent creatures could be found throughout Asia. Now, Due to habitat destruction, fragmentation and poaching. Their range has been reduced to around 7% of its former size and the overall tiger population has lowered to 3,800 animals. 
Luckily, There are various reintroduction and Re-Population programs which are aimed at increasing tiger population in the near future and the latest research states that there are more tigers in captivity than in the wild.

Swimming Skills

Unlike most other big cats and fields in general, Tigers are big fans of swimming. These animals are strong swimmers and use their skills to reach Far-Away lands in search of prey, Even if the final destination is several miles away. But tiger's have also green noticed to swim for recreational purposes. Play in the water just for fun or to cool off during hot days. The jaguar is the only big cat that shares the tigers fondness for water.

Predatory skills

Although ambushing their prey the tigers favorite hunting technique, This animal has a lot of power and strength chase its prey if the ambush fails. Tiger's are capable of sprinting at speeds close 45 miles 2 hour and performing horizontal leaps of up to 35 feet or vertical leaps of up to feet. Apart from running fast, The strength that is hidden in the tigers paws is sometimes used for taking down prey. Though rarely observed, some tiger's have been recorded to kill prey by swiping their paws. Such violent blows are strong enough to take down domestic cattle, and even some species of bears. Tigers are the only predators known to regularly on adult bears.


Tiger's are the biggest representatives of the cat species and belong to the list of the biggest terrestrial predators, being only smaller than some species of bear. Bengal and Siberian subspecies of tiger are known as the largest living big cats. the body of a Siberian tiger can reach up to 140 inches in length and weigh close to 700 pounds. Such characteristics can be compared to the size do a small city car. The size of Bengal tiger is not less spectacular. The biggest of Bengal tiger's can reach up to 715 pounds in weight and grow close to 135 inches in length. But it also should be noted that not all Sub-Species of tiger are so astonishing in size smallest of the extant Sub-species is the Sumatran tiger. Animals belonging to this rare Sub-Species don't usually grow larger than 105 inches in length and weigh close to 295 pounds.


In addition there are various hybrids that were created after crossbreeding of different big cats. Lion's have been known to breed with tiger's to create hybrid animal's that are called ligers and tiglons. A linger is a hybrid cross between a male lion and a female tiger. The ligers are. The largest of all known extant felines. Loges enjoy swimming, Which is a characteristic of tiger's and are very sociable like lion.Today Tigers exist only in captivity because the habitats of the parental species do not overlap in wild. Notably, Ligers typically grow larger than either parent species, unlike tiglons whicj tend to be about as large as a female tiger. Lotion is the name od a hybrid animal, Which is the result of a hybrid cross between a male tiger and a female lion. The tiglon's genome includes genetic components of both parents. Tiglons can exhibit 
visible characteristics from both parents. They can have both spots from the mother and stripes from the father. Any tiglon may have will appear shorter and less noticeable than lions mane. for a while scientists belied that these hybrid animal's don't have the ability to reproduce but recent evidence shows that only male hybrids are sterile. On the contrary, females of both hybrids can mate with both lions and tigers. The discovery helped to progress the hybridization even further and now zoologists do their best to learn the nature of a Li-Tiglon, a hybrid created by a lion and a female tiglon and other second generation hybrids Ti-Tiglon, Li-Liger and Ti-Ligers.

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